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Bug Hunter & The Narcissist Cookbook

Bug has a way of writing and producing songs that make you think, smile, laugh, and every now and then, cry. He writes stories, that become songs. His words are well thought and clever, with tunes that keep you repeating the chorus over and over when you should be thinking about something else. We love that he is a real person, who is on the other side of the world from us, who feels more like a mate, than the music icon he is fast becoming. Take It Back was one out of the box, a totally different story to his usual, and like all of his songs, it made you think, and when you’re in the right mood, cry. TAMMY WILSON, ON "TAKE IT BACK"

“Throw folk storytelling, five-rounds-rapid punk monologues and some sloppy rap into a blender, hit ‘liquify’ and forget about it until you come back half an hour later to find it dripping from the kitchen walls, seeping into the gap between the oven and the sideboard, your cat lapping apathetically at a congealing pool next to the fridge, your cockatiel in a flap around the ceiling lamp panicking lumps out of its tailfeathers and into your morning coffee.

Congratulations, you have physically manifested abstract concepts and are probably a God, or at the very least some kind of demiurge, and you have nothing better to do with your days than approximate the sound of the Narcissist Cookbook.

Bug Hunter - Merch, Tickets, Lyrics and Albums (

July 5

Beer & Hymns The Patriot Show